
Taiwan has one of the world’s lowest fertility rates

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對話 Dialogue

Mǎkè: Wǒ tīng qítā péngyǒu shuō Táiwān de shēngyù lǜ jīhū shì quánqiú zuìdī de.

Xiǎoshí: Shì a, Táiwān chángcháng yǒu xīnwén bàodǎo.

Mǎkè: Nà nǐ zhīdào shíjì de yuányīn ma?

Xiǎoshí: En… wǒ xiǎng, xǔduō rén shì yīnwèi jīngjì tiáojiàn ba.

Mǎkè: Shì yīnwèi xīnshuǐ búgòu, yǎng bù qǐ háizi ma?

Xiǎoshí: Zhè shì qízhōng yíge yuányīn, nián nián shàngzhǎng de fángjià hàn wùjià yěshì yālì.

Mǎkè: Wǒ jìde Táiwān de zhèngfǔ zhè jǐ nián tígōng le xǔduō shēngyù bǔzhù, duì ma?

Xiǎoshí: Duì a, bìjìng shēngyù lǜ yě dàibiǎo zhe wèilái de rénlì.

Mǎkè: Kàn lái zhè búshì duǎn shíjiān néng jiějué de wèntí

Xiǎoshí: Méicuò, xīwàng wǒmen néng zǎodiǎn zhǎodào yǒuxiào de fāngfǎ.

翻譯 Translation

Mark: I heard from friends that Taiwan’s fertility rate is almost the lowest in the world.

Xiaoshi: Yes, there are often news reports about it in Taiwan.

Mark: So, do you know the actual reason?

Xiaomi: Well... I think for many people it is about the economic conditions.

Mark: Is it because salaries are not enough to be able to afford to raise children?

Xiaoshi: That is one of the reasons. Rising housing prices and inflation are other causes of pressure.

Mark: I remember that the government has provided a lot of childbirth subsidies in recent years, right?

Xiaoshi: Yes, after all, the birth rate also represents the future workforce.

Mark: It seems that this is not a problem that can be solved in a short time.

Xiaoshi: No, it isn’t, and I hope we can find an effective solution soon.

單字片語 Vocabulary

  1. 生育率(shēngyù lǜ) fertility rate
  2. 幾乎 (jīhū) almost
  3. 報導 (bàodǎo) report
  4. 實際 (shíjì) actual
  5. 經濟 (jīngjì) economy
  6. 條件(tiáojiàn) condition
  7. 薪水 (xīnshuǐ) salary
  8. 壓力 (yālì) pressure
  9. 提供 (tígōng) to provide
  10. 補助 (bǔzhù) subsidy

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